About Us

We are the Dugan's from Leonardville. We farm, collect antique tractors, E-Bay tractor parts, watching our girls grow like broadleaf weeds without 2-4-d ever having been applied. Our summers are filled with softball, tractor shows, tractor auctions - do you see a theme - We Are BUSY! I try to update as much as I can but there are just sometimes -well - I am busy. Welcome to a little glimpse of our world.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Need Rain

Here are some pics from last June. Remember the tornado that went through North of Clay on about 6/5, and then another one in Manhappiness that hit my place of work - that barely got mentioned in the news. Here are some pics from back then. Not that I don't have much to write about - but there are 3 loads of laundry to be finished and I should start packing for Dodge. The countdown is on. It is also countdown to Pedro's Birthday next weekend. I have no idea when we will even get to celebrate. We are getting her a portable device for her to watch movies on though. Hopefully that will keep her calm for most of the weekend.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Just a couple of thoughts I wanted to jot down today. We have an E-Bay friend - her baby was born very early. I have been following her story on CaringBridges.com and here is the link: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/rumfelt

It makes me think how lucky we have been with our two children and that nothing major happened while I was pregnant.

On another note - tonight is Softball Banquet - we had already opted as a family to go to this rather than Pedro's softball game in Herington. I can't wait to go tonight.

The girls are out of school finally and I am bribing them to do housework. So far so good. I write a list of chores down for the day - such as match 5 pairs of socks - get .50. Clean the couch - under and in between the cushions and under the couch - keep the money you find and get an extra $2.50. I may be broke by the end of the summer but I hope it works.

This weekend is our last weekend at Sylvan. We have a progress meeting with them. I am hoping to find another college education payment to be able to pay for at least two more months past July for her to go. I really do think it is helping.

Charles has planted soybeans and we were hoping for more rain but we will be counting those little bean plants and hoping for the best.

Diddie starts softball practice for summer team tomorrow bright and early at 9 am. She seems very excited - I am glad.

Work is as crazy as ever. My cell phone broke and so I went to Alltel at Varneys and had a hissy till they got me a new one last night. It won't be here for a few days but when it gets here I will let everyone know.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Things of the past two weeks

These past two weeks have flown by so fast. Our school still has to go this Tues and Wed. Can we say Dumb?!? Anyways - Here are a few pics from the last two weeks. Pedro had fun day at school which Charles was able to attend, then I attended school this past Friday with her to bring B-day treats - since her birthday is in the summer - and took some pics of her with her classmates. Fri and Sat C-Ray went to an auction in Ottawa - got a tractor and a neat old cultivator. Hung out at the lake with friends on Sunday and saw the pretty rainbow in between rain showers, and Monday we did a lot of stuff around the farm and went for a quick little fishing trip. Izzy and Charles once again caught the nice bass. I still think Izzy's is bigger. I coulda put my fist in its mouth. The countdown to Summer softball is on - Two weeks from this past weekend the craziness officially starts!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Delayed Fishing trip for My Day!

So we went fishing this past Sunday morning! I guess you could say it was My Mother's day gift - just delayed a week. I got Little Kimmie on film bringing in a big bass - Again! Pedro and I had fun messin with the bull frog and we caught a slew of Pumpkin Seeds - aka Sunfish - we put all of these fish in our pond! We are trying to get it restocked after having so many fish lost because of the dry weather and overflowing out the spillway.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Last Weekend - Late Post

Sorry this post is late. An update - Friday night - Varsity RCHS Softball - we lost. Sat AM Sylvan and then to buy new cleats and ball glove for Pedro - seems she has grown since two years ago when she played. Gosh - I did get a bonus from work for working smarter - not harder this past year - but gosh - within 2 hours Sat it was gone - spent on me? Nope not one dime. Sat Night - FFA Banquet - Izzy got FFA Reporter office for 09 -10 and was also awarded the Greenhand Star Award! Way to go - total surprise - Dad ruins it by saying he just doesn't see how that could have happened since she doesn't do anything. Gee - be a little happy there would ya dad?

Sunday - Mother's Day - Ughh - do I even want to talk about it? Probably not -but I will. I got up and did dishes - since they hadn't been done and I have broke all but four plates now by hand washing and being in a bad mood. Then I made breakfast - for everybody but me - was reminded when I got up that it was a nice day to go for a nice walk - help lose a few pounds ya know. Ate lunch at my parents house - which was OK. Came home and did 4 loads of laundry. God I could use a maid. TOok Pedro to Softball practice came home and made myself supper out of a Schwan's ready to eat meal - blech. It hasn't been the best week yet either.

Evenings at our house are a disaster with Sylvan twice a week and softball almost every night it seems. Jose was told to suit up for Regionals at Marysville Monday night at 6:30 against Rock Creek. Good Luck - can the girls pull it off - unless attitudes change I don't see how. Don't get me wrong - great girls - they just don't seem to have their heads in the games. I won't be making that trip since I have to take Pedro to Sylvan. Yippee - NOT!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

RCHS JV Softball

So here is a pic of Little Kimmy pitching at the softball game! She gets this look on her face when a really wild amazing fast ball is about to be thrown! Funny - that is the same look when she gets really mad when we tell her she is in trouble!

Pedro is going to be playing softball and her practices are on Wed and Sun nights. Looks like we will only be participating in one of those.

This Sat night is also FFA Banquet. This is when we will find out of if Lil Kimmy got an FFA office for the 09-10 School year.

We are hoping to go do some fishing this weekend - of course - being's how it is Mother's day - I bet I don't get to do a darn thing I want to.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Update Cont'd

It was mentioned that I should also say that Little Kimmy also pitched most of the second game. That was a big accomplishment for the evening after all the excitement.

Update on health at Dugan's

So here is an update on health at the Dugan household. We went for rechecks and chekcups yesterday at our fav Dr office - I am pretty sure we paid for the addition on that building.

Pedro did NOT have pneumonia. The snot nosed kid at KSTAT must not know how to read an X-ray - nor were the two that were ordered really needed. Soooo - found out that she was having a bronchitis attack. NICE! From now on we will suffer till we can go to our regular Dr at his office during his Banker's hours!

Whilst there - we had him look at Mr. Dugan - said that if the cluster headaches lasted longer than 2 weeks we needed to see him. SO it has officially been more like 3 but ya know. Sooo - Dr put him on prednisone and told him to lower his stress level. You don't think that living with 3 girls in his unkept house has anything to do with that does it?

On another note - Little Kimmy Kardashian (new nickname for DD #1) had a JV softball game Monday night in Riley. Whilst working concession stand - 1) I did not know she had a ball hit her in the mouth in pregame warmup 2) she got hit while playing 2nd base in the mouth a second time. When the ball - a pop up - was going out - she made the effort - got there - and turned her glove the wrong way! Oh well - how did Mr. S put it in his e-mail today: If you don't do anything, you will never make mistakesIf you don't do anything, you will never make mistakes so good effort on moving your butt to get there and try kid! Better than standing there and watching it just drop one foot in front of you! Sore mouth, teeth feeling like they are jarred loose - and almost a whole bottle of ibu later - our mouth is feeling better!

Me - so far so good - a litle stressed from all that has been going on but I am hanging in there.

Take care and have a wonderful week!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Busy weekend of headaches and fishing

Charles has been diagnosed with:

Cluster headache, nicknamed "suicide headache", is a neurological disease that involves, as its most prominent feature, an immense degree of pain. "Cluster" refers to the tendency of these headaches to occur periodically, with active periods interrupted by spontaneous remissions. The cause of the disease is currently unknown. It affects approximately 0.1% of the population, and men are more commonly affected than women.

There is no rhyme or reason for these. For Charles they hit usually once a year and this started about 9 years ago. For the last two weeks he has been having them consistently every night - about 2 am. So - in addition to Pedro having pneumonia - Charles having these - I have also started having migraines again. Speaking of which - I am sitting here at work right now with one setting in. Ughhh.

On a good note - Pedro is doing better and is off to school. Saturday we took some time to spend as a family and we went crappie fishing at our favorite spot at Milford Lake. We brought some smaller crappie home and put into our big pond. While there Izzy decided to try to see if there were any bass in the pond. Oh boy were there. First one she caught but didn't quite get in was probably close to a 5 lb. It was HUGE! She didn't give up. She ended up catching a nice 2 lb bass.

Today and Thursday are the last two RCHS JV Softball games. Isabella will more than likely be pitching at least one game at each of these. We are very proud of her and how her season has gone! She has decided to play summer softball with her HS coach. We will be making trips to Wellington, Dodge City, Shawnee, Pratt, and Hutchinson this summer. Cierra will be playing summer softball with the GRC softball group. Hopefully we can still get some more fishing in - esp now that we now the Big Bass are in the pond! We will see who is to be name BassMaster of the Dugan Pond!