About Us

We are the Dugan's from Leonardville. We farm, collect antique tractors, E-Bay tractor parts, watching our girls grow like broadleaf weeds without 2-4-d ever having been applied. Our summers are filled with softball, tractor shows, tractor auctions - do you see a theme - We Are BUSY! I try to update as much as I can but there are just sometimes -well - I am busy. Welcome to a little glimpse of our world.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Benign Paroxsymal Positional Vertigo

Benign Paroxsymal Positional Vertigo BPPV is the official diagnosis. I have had this since last Friday and I am going insane. I can't drive, I can hardly eat, my back is killing me from sleeping in a 45 degree angle on the couch and only two have gone to the ER, a regular doctor, and a physical therapist. Next stop a neurologist. Possibly surgery if this doesn't reverse myself. The worst is that I am using sick leave and then will loose my vacation time and then my long term and once that is gone I could lose my job.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I should have explained the photos. We took off from our house two weeks ago this coming Friday for a trip to South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. Did we see and do everything - you betcha! We had a great time, attitudes were in check for most of the trip, and we made it home without getting stopped by the DOT. Some highlights of the trip were Mammoth Springs in Hot Springs, Crazy Horse in the rain, Bear Country USA, Mt Rushmore, Needles Highway, Full Throttle Saloon in Sturgis, Devil's Tower in Wyoming, and a tractor auction in Montana. 2800 miles later were arrived home Sunday night after driving over 800 miles from Dickinson ND on Sunday! Glad to be home, the kids are enrolled in school and I am back to work on Thurs.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Check This Out!

We are still battling snakes and this is what happened in our yard today. Avery had a field day with it after Charles almost stepped on it. This was in almost the same exact spot the girls encountered one


Izzy received an email notice that she received an award for turning in her Prom Photos of her in her dress from the company's maker and is featured on their web page!